Friday, January 2, 2009

Goodbye 2008...Hello 2009!

What can I say 2008 was a great year, but I am happy we are in 2009! We have been super busy this past month. A turned 2 years old and we had 3 Christmas'. A's b-day party was a hit. We celebrated with her favorite cream! Each child got to make their own ice cream sundae and take home the bowl for their party favor. It was a very nice turn out. The kiddos really got into Christmas this year. T wanted nothing more than a Polar Express train, and Santa made all of his wishes come true! Abby got a few dress up clothes and several baby doll items...she also got her first Barbie dolls and My Little Pony's. It was a great Christmas for all of us! We traveled to Colorado to spend our 3rd Christmas of the month...J's mom and dad live there. We got to see SNOW!!! It was great. We flew back on New Year's Eve and rang in the new year.

Monday, December 8, 2008


This year was one of the most memorable birthday's I think I have ever had...thanks honey! J planned a big surprise for me, little did I know how big it really was. As you can see from the picture it was big!!! We headed out to wine country (Texas style) with some friends and spent the day drinking and eating. The weather was beautiful as well as the company. We had a great time and I am feeling pretty special thanks to J!!! I think my hubby wins the award for best hubby of the year award!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Another Turkey day come and gone...

Well it's been another great Thanksgiving! This year we were at Nana and Poppy's house, without Aunt Mimi (she was in Italy, yes Italy). We had a wonderful time and great food, thanks Nana! We made a turkey day trip to Bass Pro Shop, never been, it was cool and we even got a free photo with Santa (the 4 of us, it was great). Friday found us at Sea World for the much awaited 4-D Polar Express. T was in absolute heaven!!! I have to say it was awesome, I felt like a kid again. It was 18 minutes of the best parts of a great movie, The Polar Express. We wore the funny glasses, A even kept hers on. They made it snow in the theater too. We then made our way over to see a Christmas Shamu show, it was amazing! Nothing like watching Shamu jump out of the water to Christmas music. I love Sea World! We made our way home and then today went downtown to watch the Chuy's Children Giving to Children parade. We all 4 had a wonderful time. Tonight we are relaxing watching good old college football, okay relaxing isn't really the word since we have a lot on the line with the games tonight. Thank goodness Tech beat we are waiting to see if somehow OSU can beat OU.
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have told your loved ones and friends how thankful you are for them!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's Turkey Time

Where to start...we are off to Nana and Poppy's house for Thanksgiving. We will wake up early on Thanksgiving and do the Turkey Trot as a family (4 miles)...that's nothing, and I never thought I would say 4 miles is "nothing" haha!. T is super excited because he knows that Thanksgiving means he gets to watch his favorite movie, The Polar Express. We are going to Sea World to see the Polar Express if 4-D...T is beside himself. We are also going to the Chuy's Parade on needless to say it's a jam packed turkey day...I will post photos when we return.
I want to plug a great photographer...we had our family photos done for the 2nd year in a row with a great photographer named Robin Winkles. You can look her up at She is fabulous. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's just plain funny...

We went to San Antonio today to cheer on my sister who ran in her first Half Marathon! She did great by the way. On our way into the race area there was a grandma, grandpa, and two grandkids. The grandma was yelling at the grandpa "Pop, Pop" and he did not respond (he was talking on his cell phone)...the next words out of grandma's mouth had to be some of the funniest I have heard in a while...she yelled "Oh crap, he has his good ear to the phone". Just writing that makes me laugh. That line has kept me entertained all day long. I only hope you are able to enjoy it as much as I have.
Life lesson, don't use your cell phone in a crowd if you only have 1 good ear, and for goodness sakes don't piss off grandma!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

T's weekend...

Well T is now officially 4 years old! He had a great birthday weekend. Saturday we had his birthday party. He got lots of cool toys (with lots of pieces). I thought we would need 10 pizza's...lets just say we had pizza all weekend for breakfast, lunch, and dinner ;-) haha! Sunday we took T and A to the movies to see Madagascar 2. It was a very cute movie...they both did great! Who knew skittles and peanut m&m's would keep them so happy ;-). We had a lot of fun and yes I made the cake, the rocket/space shuttle cake.

Friday, November 7, 2008

A weekend for T day one...

We started T's birthday weekend today. J and I took the day off and took T for a personal tour at the fire station close to where I work. I know 2 of the fire fighters and they did such a great job of making it special for T. They blocked off an entire hour for us! We all enjoyed learning about the fire truck and how the fire house works. It really is amazing...and yes I still love firemen!!! Anyway, then we headed off to the Jumpy House (as T refers to it). We met up with the grandparents and A there...let's just say for the next hour we all felt like kids again. We got in the bouncy houses with both kiddos and had a blast! We headed off to Chuy's for lunch (yummy mexican food). This evening we met up with friends for dinner and went to a very very small carnival. Tomorrow is the big birthday party!